Asking a professional musician about their experience traveling with their prized instruments, and you will probably run into hundreds of horror stories. They never seem to end; some have made a sport of reporting on them.
We learned this morning that Air Canada have officially banned all violas as carry-on luggage, but will continue to allow violins on board for the foreseeable future. This is odd, considering a viola is roughly only 5 cm longer than a violin, and the weight difference is negligible.
Air Canada have been busy cracking down on over-sized carry-on items exceeding 16 by 33 by 43 cm. Suitcases can now only measure up to 23 by 40 by 55 cm including wheels and handles.
It comes down to two possibilities: either the fine folks at Air Canada have no idea what a viola is, or they have taken viola jokes to a whole new level.
See for yourself:

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