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Lake Field Music

By Ludwig Van on April 18, 2018



Lake Field Music Inc.

Email: info@lakefieldmusic.ca

Phone: 647-692-3463

Website: www.lakefieldmusic.ca

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Ludwig Van



Lake Field Music, a non-profit corporation, has operated an annual summer music camp since 1977. An online conference of music workshops was introduced in 2020 and continues as an annual winter event called Sky. Throughout the year, the organization promotes amateur music ensembles to help people make music participation a lifelong experience.

The summer music camp brings together adult amateur musicians and an exceptional faculty of 20+ professional musicians/educators for one week of instruction and creativity in a friendly and supportive environment. Singers and instrumentalists build their program from 60+ ensembles and workshops in classical, jazz, world and folk music.

In addition to technique and jamming workshops, instrumental options range from orchestra to chamber groups and jazz combos as well as Balfolk, Klezmer, and New Orleans bands. Vocal options range from the 100-voice ‘for all’ choir and musical theatre to duets, backup singing and technique, as well as chamber, jazz, world and swing choirs. Workshops designed for everyone include drumming, handbells, ukulele, as well as ear and rhythm training. Concerts by participants and faculty in the evenings offer opportunities to perform or relax and be entertained.

Many of our summer coaches also offer workshops in the Winter Sky conference which focuses on developing skills rather than ensemble playing due to the limitations of the online environment.


The Folks Behind It All

Lake Field Music (LFM) is operated by a volunteer Board of Directors lead by Andrew Wolf with valued input from the camp’s faculty members.



LFM Sky: February 4 – 6, 2022
LFM Camp: August 7 to 14, 2022

Ludwig Van
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