FEATURE | In Defence Of Going To Concerts Alone
By Michela Comparey on October 3, 2015
No shame, much to gain. Why going to a concert solo just might be the best thing you've ever done for yourself.
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By Michela Comparey on October 3, 2015
No shame, much to gain. Why going to a concert solo just might be the best thing you've ever done for yourself.
(Continue reading)By Michela Comparey on September 25, 2015
The page turner’s experience is often ignored, but it is probably one of the most stressful positions to be in on stage.
(Continue reading)By Michela Comparey on September 18, 2015
What do pants, politics, and tubas have in common? It may sound like the opening of a cheesy one-liner, but the real answer is that they were all once classified as distinctly unfeminine.
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