Ludwig van Toronto

CONCERT REVIEW | London Philharmonic Orchestra spellbinds Toronto (via the Toronto Star)


Vladimir Jurowski Photo: Thomas Kurek
Vladimir Jurowski Photo: Thomas Kurek

As some may have heard – I have been asked to join the Toronto Star to contribute reviews and advise them on upcoming shows. I will keep Musicical Toronto readers up to speed as they appear. Unfortunately I am not allowed to print it in full on MT, but we can always post an excerpt and link:

The London Philharmonic Orchestra and its charismatic black-clad sorcerer-conductor Vladimir Jurowski cast a musical spell on Toronto.

At Roy Thomson Hall on Friday night — the orchestra’s only Canadian stop on a European and North American tour — audience members got a rare chance to see the Ferrari of orchestras rev its fine-tuned engines.

The London Philharmonic is a menacing force of meticulousness. Even more impressive is Jurowski, who has led the orchestra since 2007, into a resurgence of musical supremacy….

To continue reading see here.

Michael Vincent