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Montreal Symphony Hires New CEO

By Sara Schabas on May 27, 2024

Orchestre symphonique de Montréal
Mélanie La Couture Named CEO of the Orchestre symphonique de Montréal (Photo via OSM)

The Montreal Symphony Orchestra (MSO) announced the appointment of Mélanie La Couture as its next Chief Executive Officer. La Couture begins her appointment in July, succeeding Madeleine Careau.

Driving the news: After 25 years with Madeleine Careau at its helm, the Montreal Symphony Orchestra has a new CEO. In a press release, the Quebec-based orchestra announced that Mélanie La Couture will take the reins from Careau beginning this July. La Couture will work alongside Venezuelan conductor Rafael Payare, Music Director of the MSO since the 2022-2023 season.

Mélanie La Couture is no stranger to the MSO. From 2007-2013, La Couture served as Chief Operating Officer of the company. She holds an MBA from the University of Western Ontario and previously worked at Montreal’s Heart Institute.

Playing catch-up: Mélanie La Couture’s last séjour with the MSO in the early 2010s was a time of vibrancy and excitement for the orchestra, as La Couture worked alongside former MD Kent Nagano. Le Devoir, Montreal’s french language newspaper, reported that the years following La Couture’s 2013 departure were particularly turbulent as many other key players also left the organization. Fingers’ crossed her appointment ushers in another golden age of stability and artistry for the Montreal Symphony.

Sara Schabas
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