Ludwig van Toronto

WHO’S WHO | Pocket Concerts


Address: 448 St. Johns Rd., Toronto, ON, M6S 2L2

Phone: 647.896.8295



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The Folks Behind It All

Rory McLeod | Founder, Artistic Director, and Violist
Emily Rho | Concert Creator and Pianist



Thanks to our growing network of hosts, Pocket Concerts presents some of Toronto’s best chamber musicians in living rooms throughout the GTA, providing a uniquely intimate and enjoyable concert experience. Each Pocket Concert consists of about 45 minutes of fantastic music, followed by a reception, during which music-lovers have a chance to meet the performers as well as each other.

By providing the intimate and interactive experience of listening to great music in a friend’s living room, we are breaking down barriers between performers and audience, and strengthening the social bonds that sustain our musical community.

We offer the complete chamber music experience: listening and learning among friends, with a glass of wine or beer in hand. We are bringing chamber music back home!

A house concert is the ultimate way to enjoy chamber music, and an excellent way to introduce the genre to friends and family. Great music in a relaxed atmosphere, a little food and good company – who could ask for more? Being musicians ourselves, we are thrilled with the music-making by the musicians of Pocket Concerts. They perform at the highest level and do so with conviction and vitality. We look forward to hosting again!”  

– Mark & Virginia Wells, Pocket Concert Hosts
