Ludwig van Toronto

Q2 spaces provides glimpse into the homes of classical musicians

Timo Andres in his studio in Bed-Sty, Brooklyn.
Timo Andres in his studio in Bed-Sty, Brooklyn.


Picking up on MTV’s cribs, WQXR – New York’s premiere classical music radio station releases entertaining new video series called Q2 Spaces. It gives you an intimate guided tour inside the homes and studios of the composers, singers and instrumentalists behind some of today’s most compelling new music.

From the instruments that clutter the corners, to the artwork on their walls, to the empty spaces in between, Q2 Spaces explores the surprising creative spaces that these artists inhabit. Through interviews and apartment tours, the videos offer a glimpse into the environments that animate inspiration as well as unexpected insights into the daily lives of the composers.

See videos below:


Timo Andres: Q2 Spaces from Q2 Music on Vimeo.


Inside Tristan Perich’s Home and ‘1-Bit’ Workshop: Q2 Spaces from Q2 Music on Vimeo.


Music Boxes, Toys and Found Sounds with Angélica Negrón: Q2 Spaces from Q2 Music on Vimeo.


At Home with Morton Subotnick and Joan La Barbara: Q2 Spaces from Q2 Music on Vimeo.

Have you ever wondered what’s in Ben Heppner’s closet? Maybe we could do something like this in Toronto?

Michael Vincent