Ludwig van Toronto

Video: Benjamin Grosvenor aces negleced Benjamin Britten piano concerto

Young English piano sensation Benjamin Grosvenor has a new solo album of Chopin, Liszt and Ravel out on the Decca label and is getting plaudits from all corners.

Although he won’t turn 20 for another few months and is still officially a student, Grosvenor is already a spectacular pianist.

I thought this would be the ideal excuse to show him off in Benjamin Britten’s Piano Concerto, which the composer wrote for himself in 1938. The version presented by Grosvenor at last summer’s BBC Proms with the National Youth Orchestra of Britain conductor Vladimir Jurowski is Britten’s 1943 revision.

We could really do with hearing this concerto more often.

Enjoy it instead of an extra cup of espresso (if you’re more in the mood for something exotically sensual, skip to the second movement):

Here’s Grosvenor’s encore, Morton Gould’s Boogie Woogie Etude:

John Terauds